Donald Trump and ‘redneck America’

Sir, – Your editorial "Republicans can still stop Trump" (August 11th) echoes the familiar and oft-repeated misgivings of many of us in relation to Republican candidate Donald Trump. Was your reference to "redneck America" absolutely necessary, however? Even cursory research will confirm the insulting inferences to be drawn from that description. I would suggest that there are already too many insults flying about in the US presidential election campaign. – Yours, etc,


Killiney, Co Dublin.

Sir, – Your editorial highlights the need for the Republican Party to deal with a disaster of their own making. We have heard vile rhetoric, racist and sexist remarks, threats to undermine the security guarantees of Nato, and now an even more dangerous violence-oriented rant against a political opponent. What more indeed will it take before the party unequivocally repudiates Donald Trump? The Republican National Committee’s leadership should immediately announce that it is ending all support and contact with Mr Trump and his campaign. The leadership should urge all registered voters not to cast their ballot for Mr Trump.


There must not be any tolerance in a democracy for a candidate who even indirectly suggests violence against an opponent. – Yours, etc,



Co Waterford.

Sir, – It sounds like Donald Trump just shot himself in the foot! – Yours, etc,



Co Tipperary.