A chara, - With the nebulous logic that applies to creationism within the White House, perhaps President Bush will consider the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina as nature's retribution on his administration's refusal to deal with global warming. - Is mise,
BREANDÁN GOSS, Magennis Place, Dublin 2.
Madam, - Out of the tragedy that is Hurricane Katrina, one thing has become abundantly clear. This natural disaster has provided unequivocal proof that the world's most powerful economy is in imminent danger of disintegration because of gross inequality and naked greed. There is hardly any middle ground.
The looting that is taking place is not the work of criminals but stems from the desperation of poor survivors. Western civilisation must learn the lessons from Biloxi or bear the consequences of sitting back and doing nothing, as is presently the case in many parts of the US.
On the evidence to date it would appear that most of the dead and missing were from the "dispensable" end of the spectrum. - Yours, etc,
NIALL GINTY, The Demesne, Killester, Dublin 5.