
Sir, - I am concerned at the recent statement of Irish Premier, Bertie Ahern, that the British military presence in border areas…

Sir, - I am concerned at the recent statement of Irish Premier, Bertie Ahern, that the British military presence in border areas should be scaled down.

Such a call defies logic given the weekend discovery in South Armagh of a seriously wounded kidnap victim who was believed to have been shot by the IRA. Dissident Republican groups are also known by security forces to be active in the border areas.

Instead of mouthing Sinn Fein's calls for demilitarisation. Mr Ahern would be better minded to direct his energies and influence on Republicans and demand they implement their side of the Belfast Agreement by commencing the handover of terrorist arms without further delay. - Yours, etc., Colin McAuley,

Press Officer, East Antrim Ulster Unionist Association, Carrickfergus, BT38 7AQ.