Deaths On The Roads

Sir, - On the day that the recent multiple crash took place on icy roads near Shannon Airport, I had occasion to drive to the…

Sir, - On the day that the recent multiple crash took place on icy roads near Shannon Airport, I had occasion to drive to the west of Ireland and back.

A number of things struck home hard. The first was that irresponsible and impatient idiots drive their cars one-handed (the second hand being used to hold a mobile phone jammed against an ear) at high speeds and in exactly the same way in freezing fog and on icy roads as they do when weather conditions are more forgiving.

Secondly, in the over-300 miles round trip, we saw not one police car, not one anti-speeding camera, not one member of the Garda Siochana.

Thirdly, the masts that the mobile phone people planted with impunity are growing in number, the politicians and phone moguls are silent about them, and the death-dealing radiation from the masts carries on its deadly work unimpeded.


And then we worry about Sellafield!

Between murderous drivers on our roads and lethal masts in our midst, we have our own killing agents here equal to anything Sellafield may perpetrate on the people of Ireland. - Yours, etc.,

From Liam Nolan

Shrewsbury Park, Dublin 4.