Damage to church

Madam - It will be telling to see how the authorities deal with those responsible for the attempted illegal demolition of the…

Madam - It will be telling to see how the authorities deal with those responsible for the attempted illegal demolition of the old Methodist church on Jones's Road, as highlighted by Frank McDonald and Kitty Holland (October 16th).

I sincerely hope the culprits end up with more than the paltry €1,000 fine imposed recently on developer Kimpton Vale Ltd for illegally demolishing the 19th century Presentation convent in Terenure.

Over the past 10 years, I have often walked by this sturdy Victorian church and wondered what would become of it. The building, which was of late occupied by a leather furniture retailer, was clearly suffering an identity crisis. It occurred to me that it might end up being converted into apartments, a restaurant, or even a super-pub.

Looking at the photo of the church's hollowed-out shell, which retains its dignity despite this ruthless attempt to circumvent planning, it's hard to imagine any better symbol of the greed and lack of values that have brought this country to its knees. - Yours, etc,




Dublin 3.