GOAL's John O'Shea wished that someone would take up the challenge of the poor boy from Nazareth while Cllr

GOAL's John O'Shea wished that someone would take up the challenge of the poor boy from Nazareth while Cllr. Deirdre de Burca highlighted the need to confront the corporate agenda promoted by such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Both wish to take on the privilege of the wealthy in pursuit of justice for the world's excluded.

Madam, - I feel compelled to react to two letters in your December 23rd issue.

Cllr. de Burca's concern about the new Criminal Justice (Terrorist Offences) Bill seems justified since any action to seriously address world poverty must eventually compel governments and international bodies such as the WTO and IMF to radically alter their current courses.

To brand as "terrorist" essential actions like street protest would condemn us all to a continuation of the greed and profit-driven economic and trading systems which hold billions of the world's poor in a stranglehold.


Goal's John O'Shea wished that someone would take up the challenge of the poor boy from Nazareth while Cllr. Deirdre de Burca highlighted the need to confront the corporate agenda promoted by such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Both wish to take on the privilege of the wealthy in pursuit of justice for the world's excluded.

Legislation such as the proposed Criminal Justice Bill and other repressive laws enacted around the world since September 11th could also ensure that John O'Shea's "someone" might share the fate of the prophet born in Bethlehem. - Yours, etc,

COLM RODDY, Bayside Walk, Dublin 13.