Cold comfort at Dublin Airport

Sir, – I am writing to express my outrage at the way Dublin airport essentially abandoned arriving passengers on Thursday in the bad weather. It is absolutely outrageous that no form of transport was provided for airline passengers arriving at the airport at either of its terminals. The queues for the only transport option, taxis, meant that elderly, parents with children in prams and others (obviously not equipped and clothed for such adverse weather) were left to stand for up to three hours outside the terminal buildings waiting for the odd taxi to come along, and all of this in extremes of weather.

For instance, why did airport management not even have the sense to allow taxi queues (I stood in bitter conditions outside the new Terminal 2 for two hours) to queue inside? In addition, when I eventually got a taxi, shared with others, the roads into Dublin city centre were very passable and completely empty; meanwhile the airport car parking shuttle buses to and from the car-parks were flying around the place empty. Could these (or similar vehicles) not have been used to get passengers into hotels or a bit nearer to home or pick-up points so that they could get out of the airport?– Yours, etc,

