Christmas Lights In Dublin

Sir, - Donal Nugent (December 8th) criticises the Christmas lighting in the city centre.

Sir, - Donal Nugent (December 8th) criticises the Christmas lighting in the city centre.

The lights in Grafton Street are as traditional as the Christmas tree and are enjoyed by people of all ages every year. This year the lighting has been updated to an all- red scheme which makes it even more warm and seasonal.

I have to disagree with him about Henry Street and Mary Street being "noughts and crosses". In fact, they were updated last year and consist of 15 very elegant seven-metre-high stars of Bethlehem accompanied on either side by angels, candles and Santa Clauses, the size of which would not be found in any other capital.

It is an attempt by the traders to remind everybody of the "real" meaning of Christmas and at the same time include some Christmas fun.


I agree about O'Connell Street. Unfortunately the trees have outgrown their original installation size but the traders are reluctant to spend over €130,000 to renew them because they will all be cut down in three years' time to make way for the Spire (some have gone already). Also, the leaves on the trees tend to hide the lights until they eventually fall in mid-December.

I cannot comment on trader support except to say that I have been told that it is "the few" who pay for "the majority". - Yours, etc.,

Ivan Hammond, Breen Electrical Co Ltd., Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin 7.