Choices in childcare

Sir, - It is with interest that I have been reading the different views on childcare and the costs and relative merits of a minder…

Sir, - It is with interest that I have been reading the different views on childcare and the costs and relative merits of a minder versus care in a creche. Victoria White (Features, January 2nd) espoused the value of a minder, while Helen Loughman (Letters, January 9th) argued that a creche is best. As someone who has laboured endlessly over this issue following the birth of our first child over a year ago, I do think the choice is a very individual one.

However, much of the debate around childcare has centred on what we are forced to do by the economic circumstances of high mortgages and no Government support for stay-at-home parents. This aspect is, of course, very important, but as someone who was able to afford to take some time out of my career to mind our young child, I have discovered that it's not an easy decision to stay at home, even if we can afford it!

I really enjoyed my career, doing work that was seen to be of value, getting feedback from colleagues and those I worked with and the simple but important things such as getting dressed up to go to work and having time for a cup of coffee. We don't get this if we stay at home!

I am delighted to have made the decision to do the main caring of our young child myself and over the months I have had to work very hard to build the support I needed to continue to do this. But it's really not easy, and I am fortunate to have a very supportive partner, to have been able to link in with other mothers and to have been able to afford minders to give me some time out occasionally. It also requires a lot of commitment to the task in hand and an ability to value the often mundane work of parenting.


Congratulations to Alva McSherry and family (Features, January 10th) for heading off to France to spend more time with her family. Some of us want to do it here as well! - Yours, etc.,

Monica Haughey, Lower Cherryfield Avenue, Ranelagh, Dublin 6.