Sir, I was curious why your paper published Camille Paglia's viperous attack on Hillary Clinton (February 10th)

Sir, I was curious why your paper published Camille Paglia's viperous attack on Hillary Clinton (February 10th). Paglia's article was not journalism her assertion that Hillary Clinton is a drag queen was hardly credible and so I concluded that the article was published solely for its entertainment value. This left me wondering why you assumed than Irish homes readers would be amused by the article. I wasn't.

Camille Paglia is an arch conservative who used to earn a considerable income by writing venomous articles about prominent Americans who campaign for women's rights. Fortunately, many quality publications in the US are now on to Paglia's game and refuse to print her work. No doubt that is why The Irish Times article was first published on the World Wide Web.

Respectfully suggest that the next time you come across a Camille Paglia article while trolling the Web, you keep going and don't click back. No more Paglia, please. Hillary Clinton and your readers deserve far better. Yours, etc., Albert College Grove, Dublin 9.