Belfast Agreement Timetable

A chara, - Thank God for John Waters

A chara, - Thank God for John Waters. In the midst of unionist obfuscation, procrastination and denial, Mr Waters stands as the lone voice of reason and insight (Opinion, October 27th). Strangely, he seems to be one of the few commentators around graced with the ability to actually read the Belfast Agreement for what it says and does not say about decommissioning and the actual setting up of the executive.

The impassive over decommissioning is a red herring if ever there was one. It was never, nor should it have been, a precondition for the establishment of the Executive. It is not only mischievous of David Trimble to now hold to ransom those who voted for the Good Friday agreement, it is an abdication of his responsibilities. It is yet another example of unionism's inability to move forward. It is revisionism par excellence. Moreover, as John Waters succinctly put it, Mr Trimble has no power, no authority and no position to make these demands.

Rather than unnecessary pressure being brought to bear on Sinn Fein to yield to these new conditions, the Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, should instead insist that Mr Trimble get off this particular soap-box, desist from kow-towing to Unionist threats and demand that the Assembly be convened in full accordance with the Agreement.

Have we learned nothing from our own history - and have the historic peace accords of South Africa, Israel-Palestine and elsewhere simply gone over our heads? - Is mise, Patrick K. Doyle,


Woburn Avenue, Toronto, Canada.