Amsterdam Treaty Debates

Sir, - I am writing in response to a letter from Geoff McAdam to your paper regarding the Amsterdam Treaty referendum (June 8th…

Sir, - I am writing in response to a letter from Geoff McAdam to your paper regarding the Amsterdam Treaty referendum (June 8th). In his letter, Mr McAdam referred to the public meeting organised by the European Movement in Malahide. In my capacity as Chief Executive of the European Movement, I chaired the meeting and was not an invited speaker as Mr McAdam suggested.

The panel of speakers was chosen bearing in mind the local constituency. Therefore, all local TDs were invited to speak of which all but one, due to another engagement, accepted our invitation. As it so happened, only one TD in that constituency was actively campaigning against the ratification of the Amsterdam Treaty. We were very pleased that he addressed our meeting, thereby representing the people of the area who elected him. Peter Brennan, Director of the Irish Business Bureau in Brussels, and a native of Malahide, was asked to speak to reflect the business element of the Treaty.

Each of our four speakers received equal debating time. Many of the audience stated that the debate was conducted in a fair and equitable manner and proved most lively and informative to them. As with all our public meetings, all attending were invited to make a comment or ask a question. Many people, representing all shades of opinion were given ample time to air their views. Heckling is part and parcel of debate in any forum - just watch the proceedings of the Dail!

Regarding our other public meetings around the country, Dr. Garret FitzGerald is correct in stating that the European Movement organised 60 such meetings. At some of these meetings, representatives of the National Party, the Peace and Neutrality Alliance and the Green Party addressed the audience. At other meetings, we could not secure a speaker to speak against the Amsterdam Treaty. Nonetheless, all of our public meetings were attended by people who were not in favour of the Treaty and expressed their views accordingly.


The European Movement always encourages debate and discussion on European matters and how they affect Ireland. We look forward to the next referendum campaign where perhaps Mr McAdam may again speak at one of our meetings to represent the views of his organisation. - Yours, etc., Patricia Lawler, Chief Executive, European Movement, Ireland,

Nassau St., Dublin 2.