A new Dáil convenes

Madam, – How appropriate that Ireland’s new Government should be convened on Ash Wednesday, a day associated with self-denial…

Madam, – How appropriate that Ireland’s new Government should be convened on Ash Wednesday, a day associated with self-denial and with “giving up the good things”. Sadly, Ireland’s “Lent” is looking more like lasting 40 years than 40 days! – Yours, etc,


Tulla Road,

Ennis, Co Clare.

Madam, – Having spent the past 30 years endeavouring not to have Fianna Fáil in government, I was absolutely delighted to see a decent, honourable and capable man Enda Kenny elected as Taoiseach yesterday.

Contrary to media reports, Mr Kenny is a very able, intelligent person who brought his party from as low as 30 seats to the present 76. I believe Enda Kenny will be one of the best taoisigh we ever had, and with his team of Ministers will get us out of the dreadful financial mess Fianna Fáil got us into. – Yours, etc,




Co Kilkenny.

Madam, – Yesterday’s proceedings in the Dáil were made all the more noteworthy by the Irish language being used almost exclusively by Sinn Féin. I say to them “keep it up”. As most of us have difficulty understanding what they are about when they use English, they have surely lost the rest when they persist in using Irish. – Yours, etc,



Rathowen, Co Westmeath.

Madam, – We now have enough Independents in Dáil Éireann to look after the roads, footpaths, bridges, medical cards – and the turf banks – of the country. While the new Government must seek as best it can to carry out its election pledges, provide jobs and try to keep the EU/IMF wolf from the door, the fortunate Independents can cry foul at every unpopular measure. They bear no responsibility to party or country.

Ironically, they seem to be the darlings of the media, many attracting attention by dress and eccentrics. The independent voice is a myth, no matter what style or colour it is dressed up in. So happy the lot of the Independents: like the grasshopper they can sing and shout all summer while the coalition ant works and will have to face the wrath of the public next election. – Yours, etc,



Co Roscommon.