Subscriber OnlyLetters

Palestine solidarity campaign march

Print coverage

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – While you carried a fine online report on the magnificent Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign march in Dublin on Saturday October 5th, the omission of a report in your print edition on Monday was a great pity. The march was probably the biggest in years on a political issue in Dublin. It was widely representative and supported by many civil society organisations, including the Irish Congress of Trade Unions.

Your print edition reflects for your readers, who include many influential people, the events of the weekend and a picture of how things are in society and the wider world. Technical advances notwithstanding, printed archives, and especially those of The Irish Times, will still be a primary “go-to” source for future researchers and historians. Seeing no reference in print to Saturday’s enormous march could give a mistaken view of the Irish public’s response to the sufferings in Gaza and now in Lebanon. – Yours, etc,




Dublin Council of Trade Unions,

Dublin 1.