Sir, – An algal bloom has turned Northern Ireland’s Lough Neagh green (Opinion & Analysis, July 23rd). Not so long ago, an algal bloom turned the Republic of Ireland’s Dublin Bay orange (“Algal bloom the cause of Sandycove ‘orange slick’, tests show”, News, June 25th, 2019).
Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile. – Yours, etc,
Ireland is emerging from winter, but maybe hold off mowing your lawn for now
What’s a phage and why might your body be hosting thousands of them?
Author Torrey Peters: ‘Admitting to any sexual aspect to a trans identity can be politically dangerous. But I refuse to be silenced by bigots’
‘I feel so sorry for any young people who are gambling’: Cheltenham week a tough time for recovering addicts
Co Dublin.