Sir, – The discussion regarding the abolition of short prison sentences, those of six months or under, may have some merit in reducing our prison population, financial savings, and better management of prisoners (“Sharp increase in number of very short prison terms being imposed by judges”, News, August 17th).
But what options are available to those who have been sentenced in short sentences?
We know from empirical research abroad that short prison sentences do not help the rehabilitation of some inmates.
Most inmates doing short prison sentences do not think it worthwhile availing of treatments or educational courses as they are not in prison long enough to complete them.
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“Custody Plus”, which was introduced in the UK, allowed prisoners on short-term sentences to spend a period of time in custody but also being supervised in the community. Those placed on supervision orders have it tailored for their individual means. There is no data available whether or not this system has worked or has helped reduce recidivism.
This proposal of removing short sentences must have the support of the public at large and will only be accepted if community supervised programmes were already in place with proper supervision and proper sanctions in place for non-compliance.
There is the added difficulty of the removal of judicial discretion in sentencing for short periods, whereupon the presiding judge must take into consideration a whole range of factors before sentencing.
Therein lies the rub.
The difficulty, where this discretion is removed, is judges will opt for longer sentences. This is known as “sentence creep”. How do you mitigate against that?
There will be much debate surrounding removal or abolition of short prison sentences but we must find a way that helps both offenders to rehabilitate and not reoffend, but also the public to be assured that any changes brought in are to the benefit of society and not just a “get out of jail free” order for offenders. – Yours, etc,
(retired Garda sergeant),
Co Donegal.