On any pilgrimage we must know our journey's end. We seek a map and gladly share the wisdom of those who walked before us. The Resurrection, Ascension and Pentecost lend focus and direction to our lives. Our Rogation days of special grace unite us with pilgrim people of the centuries who, in sorrow and in joy, in sin and in repentance walked the once-made journey across the path of time. In pre-Ascension Rogation days of prayer we ask pardon for our sins, light in our darkness and strength in our weakness to be faithful to our baptism calling. We pray for health of mind and body and a blessing on harvest yet to come. Ascension Day reminds us that our tenure is frail, that our time will so soon pass. All we have and hold must fall from lifeless hands. We will be stewards no longer. What then?
We hunger and thirst for values that last and give purpose and definition to our labour and our love. As we listen to the farewell words of Christ we are granted lasting hope and a joy that will not fail. We are never time-locked travellers. We have immortal longings in us. Human solace and finite joy will fail to fill the void within the heart. Ascension Day speaks to us who are restless, questing pilgrims of the Absolute. However far we travel, whatever seas we sail, the primal truth remains that for all of us Eternal Life is our final harbour, the landfall that the heart desires. You have made us for yourself O Lord and our hearts are forever restless till they rest in You.
The aching void in the human heart, the nagging emptiness of our frenzied days can be assuaged only in faithful quest for the loving God who made us. We seek the fountain of life. On our pilgrim way what use to drink at broken cisterns or at poisoned wells? "Whoever is thirsty let them come to me and drink". As we prepare for the graces of Ascension-tide we join the Samaritan woman by Jacob's well. We too will receive healing and pardon and peace and be ready for Baptism grace restored, for a life made new.
Scripture, prayer and Eucharist remind us that Christ goes before us not to abandon us and leave us orphans, but to prepare a place for us. As the Holy Spirit inspires us to pray we realise more fully that we are citizens of no mean city. Our conversation is in heaven. We carry passports to eternity. St Thomas Aquinas, teaches the wonder of the Eucharist leading us home to Christ. O Sacred Banquet in which Christ is received, the memory of his Passion is renewed, the mind is filled with grace, and the pledge of future glory is given to us. We look homewards with the disciples at Bethany on Ascension Day. We receive the vision that enlightens the eyes of our mind to realise more fully the hope that is ours.
Made new in Resurrection faith we come down from the summit of Ascension to take up our daily task in generosity made new. We unite in prayer, in charity, in the breaking of bread, and with Mary, the Mother of Jesus. We will be Christ's people recognisable by the quality of our lives. Grace flows from the saving mysteries of Resurrection and Ascension. We respond to the needs of all who are deprived and inspire those whose lives we touch with lasting hope for a world, in Christ, made new. "Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then for the second time in the history of the world, we will discover fire". (Teilhard de Chardin, SJ).
Come, O Holy Spirit!