One is often happy, and indeed amazed, to notice the way people pass through the most ghastly sufferings, sadness, and pain, and yet manage to maintain a genuine, brave approach helpful to themselves and others. It calls to mind the well known motto, "A good scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties."
In the collect for the second Sunday in Advent, about Bible reading, we ask the Lord to "help us to read the Scriptures and to mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and for ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life". We could add: "Please do look happy about it!".
There are any number of instances in the Scriptures of believers expressing the gaiety of the Gospel hope, even singing about it. The Blessed Virgin Mary, when she accepted her heavy calling, said: "My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour."
At this time there are many occasions where people believing in the gaiety of the Gospel hope in the Scriptures are expressing it by participating in Handel's Messiah, and more than that - finding it alive in them again through the inspired use of the Scriptures. George Frederick Handel was born in 1684. He was the inspired composer of many works of outstanding merit, including his Messiah. Believe it or not, he finished writing the great work in only 14 days. He produced it for the first time on April 13th, 1742 in Dublin.
The uniting of inspired musical genius with an inspired selection of words from the inspired Scriptures by Handel inspire. A person deeply informed in the art of music points to a glorious moment in Messiah. The music during the singing of "There were shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night" stirs a lovely awareness of the sound of the angel's wings.
Fred, a member of The Third Day Chorale, is such an enthusiast that in order to participate he went each year to London's Albert Hall, where he could with his devotion and knowledge contribute to "Messiah from Scratch". The idea influenced things here. The first occasion of Handel's "Messiah for Everyone" here took place in Monkstown Parish Church, Co Dublin, on Wednesday, December 22nd, 1976. There is widespread gratitude to the Third Day Chorale, and to their well-known and accomplished conductor, Marie O'Shea, for their part, with others, in enabling this first event to take place. Obviously there were many people like Fred with the knowledge and experience of Messiah who eagerly grasped the opportunity of taking part. There were some 1,400 people present. It was in aid of The Samaritans.
Thanks for George Frederick Handel. Thanks to God for those in every age who have done more than read, mark, learn and inwardly digest God's Word, but insist on singing about it .. . about the gaiety of the Gospel proclaimed on the victorious Cross of suffering by Jesus, The King of Love.