Well come two An Irishman's Diary's camp pane for Homophone Equality. This a grate chance four stew dense hoo have failed there Leaving bee cause of they're spelling! We have especially in mined awl those who hoped four hire Marx in they're English eggs am. Are intention is to show yore fail you're is sir ten lee dew two home oh foe bee a: a refusal to axe sept the parity of a steam four awl homophonic sounds, wreck guard less of spell ling, provide dead the word has a plaice inn the Dick shun nary. Afte
Bee cause, when wee speak, hoo nose the difference between too dear here and two deer hear? Hoo can actually here it? How can any won bee sir ten that when aye say wun thing eye do knot mean an other? How does the hew man brain no that I mean won and knot the other? Sew equally, when aye an ounce that something is dew in the morning, and u here me, how can yew bee shore that aye do not inn tend to say that it is due in the morning? Yew can knot, eve and though the difference is mass if.
At a thyme of grief, eye mite say that the undertaker is due in the morning rather than dew in the morning. Conversely, if eye actually wish two say that the undertaker arrives lightly during a bereavement, I could say that he is dew in the mourning: and regardless of his wait, I could say he was due in the mourning, which is all sow true. Awl the same sounds, but lodes of different mean pings. Won second. What's that term, "mean pings"? Don't yew mean meanings?
I, aye do: but the "p" is psilent as in psalm or psychiatry. Yew psea, they're is the basic homophonia, and their is complex homophonia which employs the baffle ling rules of English; and since wee R still speak king English, then the psame rules a ply. In deed, we have to a ply them, other wise the rules come plane to the Equality Commission that their know longer bee ying given work.
Sew, it goes like this. Their our cert ten groups of letters which won mite reed, but which won would sell dumb prone ounce.
Think about rhythmn. It has too complete lee unused letters, the first "h" and the "n". Won rites them butt won never says them. Why restrict them two that word? Why knot say chown for cow, or phuddern for udder? Pleas. Their our awl sorts of sigh lent letters in English. Yew don't have to in cert them inn Homophonia, shore lee? How can any won understand yew? Wee our knot trying two bee under stood. We are speaking Homo phone, a chording two the biz our rules of English.
Home oh phone
Let me revert to English hear, oops, I mean here. What are poor foreigners to make of a language which pronounces the final syllables of borough, tough, though, through, bough, slough, cough and hough tote alley differently? Sew! What rite has any language two does side to limb it the free dumb of home oh phone? Nun! Four what wood yew have then but an ark quay? When I here such stuff, aye'm tempt Ted two spell how hough, and throw through, and then maybe through in a cup pull of silent consonance, so that how becomes phohughn.
If yew want, aisle bee really violin-case peep pull think aye'm turning soft; sew isle unleash the dreaded "phthisis" prince supple on yew. This is the won which perm it's a word to have a hole lee redundant lexical cup let inn nit. Better still is phthisicky, 30 purr sent of hoos letters won does not prone ounce.
Stop! Gnome ore! Aye no what's a foot now! Its aw gust, sew this is a sill lee see son Colm, write? Yet yew khan take us that frivolously, shore lee? This is a groan up news pape per. Four wee doughn't pain nothing four this, ewe no.
No, each cop pea costs a reader wun you're roe anther tea pensive yew bye it new: sec and hand its knot sew deer, awl write. But who cells yes two daze pub lick asians thee zzz daze?
Awl write, aisle com Kwai it lee, its a fare cop guv, and jew got me bang two rites. Eve en sew, yew khan tall ways sucks cede in you're criticisms. Aye doughn't want peep pull tooth ink that this Colm is with out intellectual dime mention.
Four what about awl those stew dents - mails, most lee - hoo have awl weighs thought know won would ever right like them in new spay purrs, hoo assumed that own lee they rote homo phone, and that they were all a loan. Brothers! Bee at piece! After awl, gaze have they're writes. Sew now the daze of the homo phones have a rived! Wee be leave that we may say what wee here; thats why we cawl ourselves maize! A rise, home oaf phones and fell low maize! Hour our has fine Nelly Qum!