Roy Harper in court on child sex charges

Veteran folk singer charged in UK with series of offences in the 1970s

Co Cork-based folk and rock performer Roy Harper has appeared in court charged with committing a series of child sex offences in the 1970s.

The singer-songwriter, who has performed with Pink Floyd and influenced Led Zeppelin, was not required to enter a plea to any of the charges during a four-minute appearance at Hereford Magistrates’ Court.

Harper, of Rossmore, near Clonakilty, Co Cork, is accused of two counts of having unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl aged under 13.

The singer also faces three charges of indecent assault and four of gross indecency relating to the same alleged victim.


West Mercia Police announced last week that Harper had been charged with the offences, which are alleged to have occurred between 1975 and 1977 in the Herefordshire area.

Harper, dressed casually in a checked shirt and blue jeans, spoke only to give the clerk of the court his name and full address during today’s hearing.

The 72-year-old declined to comment to reporters after his appearance before three magistrates, who granted unconditional bail and ordered him to appear before a judge at Worcester Crown Court on December 2nd.

The prolific performer has produced more than 30 albums during his career, and continues to tour.