Berlusconi’s ex-wife angry over photos published in his magazine

European election gimmick or bitter row between ex-husband and wife?

Veronica Lario, former wife of media tycoon and Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, has reacted angrily to less than flattering photographs of her published by weekly gossip magazine Chi which just happens to belong to her famous ex-husband.

In a two page spread entitled “Veronica’s Current Shape - She Has Put On Weight”, the 58-year-old former actress, who separated from Mr Berlusconi in 2009, is portrayed in jodhpurs and boots, with her long graying hair tied up and seemingly without make-up. In short, she looks like a lot of normal 58-year-olds.

“Experts”, however, offer the ex-Mrs Berlusconi, who officially divorced the former prime minister in February this year, advice on how she might lose weight, even suggesting she resort to plastic surgery to deal with excess pounds around her stomach and neck. In an interview with Rome daily Il Messaggero, however, Ms Lario defended her right to get old with dignity, bitterly criticizing the magazine and rejecting the “expert” advice, saying:

“I consider this article to be an unacceptable attack on all those women who, like me, want to get old without having to subject themselves to the stereotypical obsession of at all costs trying to look younger. I am almost 60 years old, I’m not worried about my stomach line nor about the wrinkles on my neck. Is that a good reason to suggest that I need plastic surgery?...What sort of example does that give to those 16-year-olds who want lip-suction treatment for their birthday present?”


Ms Lario added that she was all the more offended by the article because it was published by a magazine owned by her ex-husband, saying:

“It’s true, I am no longer a Berlusconi, so that means that my pictures don’t get the Photoshop treatment. However, this article shows a total lack of respect for a woman who, after all, is still the mother of Silvio Berlusconi’s children...”

In reply, Alfonso Signorini, editor of Chi, suggested there was something suspect about Ms Lario's comments, one week after the article was published. Pointing out that they come at a crucial moment in a European election campaign in which her 77-year-old ex-husband has campaigned hard for his Forza Italia party, he said:

“This is a classic, or better still a déjà vu… Signora Veronica Lario’s indignation is perfectly timed… coming just seven days before the election”.

In defense of his magazine, Mr Signorini said as a gossip review, Chi deals with people in the public eye, adding that the fact Ms Lario had put on weight represented “news”.

So far, Mr Berlusconi has issued no comment on the matter. It is worth underlining that while the couple are now legally divorced, the financial aspects of their divorce settlement have yet to be definitively resolved. In December 2012, a Milan court awarded Ms Lario alimony worth €3 million per month. Last October, that sum was reduced to €1.4 million on appeal but Ms Lario has appealed that decision.

Media reports suggest the unflattering photos of Veronica Lario represented a “reply” to her recent request of €500 million to arrive at a definitive settlement. Mr Berlusconi apparently is willing to pay approximately €200 million. While in theory both parties could still reach an out of court agreement, it seems likely the final alimony figure will be decided in court.

In the meantime, Mr Berlusconi continues to deny media speculation that he intends to marry his "official" girlfriend, 28-year-old Francesca Pascale. Recently asked about this speculation, Mr Berlusconi said that he was "too old" to marry again.