Women wine drinkers hospitalised

Gardai are investigating an incident in which three women were hospitalised after drinking wine

Gardai are investigating an incident in which three women were hospitalised after drinking wine. One of them is in intensive care in Portlaoise General Hospital, suffering from severe mouth burns from suspected acid poisoning.

The Garda Press Office said yesterday that gardai received a report at 7.45 p.m. on Saturday that a woman had received a burn to her mouth after drinking wine in a hotel.

The Midland Health Board confirmed that three women had been taken to Portlaoise General Hospital. One was discharged last night, and a second is expected to be released shortly. The third woman, who is still in intensive care, was said to be in a stable condition.

The women are understood to have been drinking from a bottle of French wine after having a meal in Grants Hotel, Roscrea, Co Tipperary. One of them became severely ill after drinking a mouthful of the wine. Her companions, who had taken sips of the wine, also became ill. All three were rushed to hospital.


Bacchus, the Dublin distributor of the wine, has withdrawn the brand from sale. The management of the hotel was unavailable for comment last night.