Women's voices Dublin's Pro-Cathedral mass-goers give their views

Five women give their view

Five women give their view


Kilkenny city

I think it might do good if priests were allowed to marry, yes. I do think they should be allowed to and if women were allowed to become priests that could improve things, but I am sure there are better ways of protesting than missing Mass.


Marino, Dublin

I think the protest and the boycott is a good idea. I think women are treated as second-class citizens by the church and I know all religions are patriarchal, but I think it's important to stand up and demand change


Castlebar, Co Mayo

I think it's outrageous to suggest missing Mass. I don't think you should ever, ever, ever miss Mass and it's divisive and insulting to call on the faithful few to do so. To miss Mass would be like turning your back on Jesus Christ. The Church needs women more than ever now. Women are making progress and we will get more equality, but in our own good time.



Lucan, Co Dublin

I think the church should be open to letting priests marry but I don't think Mass is an appropriate forum for protesting about it.

Mass is sacred.

Everyone has to have something.


Long Island, New York

I say good for them to any woman protesting. Women should have the same opportunities as men to serve in the priesthood if they have a calling. If there were women priests and priests were allowed to marry, I think a lot less damage would have been done.