Widgery's intervention

The transcript of the Widgery inquiry of 1972 records the following exchanges during the cross-examination of a BBC camera man…

The transcript of the Widgery inquiry of 1972 records the following exchanges during the cross-examination of a BBC camera man, Peter Beggin, now deceased.

Mr E.B. Gibbens QC, for the Ministry of Defence: "Were you with a BBC reporter named Peter Stewart?"

Mr Beggin: "Yes, he was assigned to work with us and he was with us from time to time."

Mr Gibbens: "My Lord, the next question I would wish to ask is due to the fact that I understand Mr Stewart may not be available to give evidence before you, but it is a matter I want to have elicited."


Lord Widgery: "Tell me what you want to ask and I will tell you whether you can ask it."

Mr Gibbens: "I want to ask a question as to what Peter Stewart said that night upon the television news as to his observation and whether this witness might confirm it."

Lord Widgery: "No, I do not think so."

Mr Stewart did not appear as a witness subsequently at the Widgery inquiry.