White House denies North policy shift as soldier dies

THE White House denied reports in the London media that there was to be a major shift in policy on Northern Ireland towards a…

THE White House denied reports in the London media that there was to be a major shift in policy on Northern Ireland towards a more pro British view. It also denied that there were moves afoot to ensure that the American ambassador to Ireland, Mrs Jean Kennedy Smith, would not serve a second term.

Following the offer of an £80 million package to nurses, there were fears of a knock on effect for 5,000 paramedics. It remained uncertain whether the nurses would accept the Government offer. Strike action, due to begin at midnight, was deferred for two weeks.

A new loyalist group, the Co Antrim Orange Support Movement, called for a massive rally outside the Catholic church in Harryville at the weekend.

Boxing champion Steve Collins defeated French challenger Frederic Sellier in a WBO super middleweight title fight at the London Arena.



An Englishman, detained earlier in the day in connection with the murder in west Cork before Christmas of Ms Sophie Toscan du Plantier, was released after questioning. A file was sent to the DPP.

The British army defused a 1,500lb bomb outside Strabane, Co Tyrone.

The High Court quashed a development plan in Co Kildare which involved the rezoning of 139 acres.

Gale force winds and heavy rain caused flooding throughout the country.


The Government approved the drafting of legislation which will, make it an offence to have child pornography for personal use, punishable by up to three years in, prison. Also subject to severe penalties under the new law will be, trafficking in children for purposes of sexual exploitation.

There was widespread speculation that interest rates were likely to drop by 0.5 per cent.

A nursing commission was announced to investigate nurses conditions.

The US electronics multinational, Compaq, announced it was to set up its telecommunications centre in Dublin, creating 550 jobs.

Fianna Fail announced it will set up an ethics commission when returned to government.

A Fianna Fail Clare county councillor was convicted on 16 fraud charges at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

In the Ms Michelle Rocca damages action, Mr Cathal Ryan explained how he intervened when Ms Rocca was confronting his then girlfriend, Ms Sarah Linton.

AIB pre tax profits rose by 13 per cent last year.

Ireland drew 0-0 with Wales in a rain sodden soccer friendly in Cardiff.


A 23 year old British soldier, Lance Bombardier Stephen Restorick, was killed by a sniper at a checkpoint at Bessbrook, Co Armagh.

The Review Body on Higher Remuneration in the Public Sector rejected a 30 per cent pay rise sought by TDs, recommending a 3 per cent rise instead.

In the Rocca damages action, Ms Linton testified that she was awoken at a party by Ms Rocca hitting her in the face, pulling her hair and screaming obscenities.

Four members of the Irish Antarctic expedition completed the infamous Shackleton mountain traverse on South Georgia.

Mr John Gilligan, the man who says he is a suspect in the murder last year of journalist Veronica Guerin, failed in a High Court attempt to prevent the State appointing a receiver to his properties.


Loyalists continued to be optimistic that their ceasefire would hold despite the killing of the British soldier.

The President condemned the killing of Lance Bombardier Restorick as "a cowardly crime".

Ms Rocca was awarded £7,500 damages in her action for assault against Mr Ryan. Costs will not be decided until next week.

It was disclosed that the chief executive of Radio Ireland, Mr Dan Collins, is under pressure to vacate his post in a row among senior management at the new national station.

TDs and senators reacted angrily to a rejection of their 30 per cent pay claim.

As Ms Roisin McAliskey continued to be detained in prison in Britain while awaiting extradition to Germany, her mother, the former MP, Ms Bernadette McAliskey, appealed to German officials to agree to her being granted bail.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times