Warning issued over unlicenced holiday operators

The Commission for Aviation Regulation has advised travellers to ensure their travel agent or tour operator is properly licensed…

The Commission for Aviation Regulation has advised travellers to ensure their travel agent or tour operator is properly licensed.

The Commission said that recent controversy surrounding start-up airlines highlighted the importance of compliance with the relevant legislation in order to safeguard consumers. This has prompted the Commission to issue a general warning to anyone purchasing travel packages abroad.

The Commission for Aviation Regulation has advised people to check the travel agent or tour operator they are dealing with holds a current licence.

A travel agent's licence, issued by the Commission for Aviation Regulation, is a legal requirement for anyone selling holidays or flights in the Republic of Ireland.


Travellers are advised to check with their travel agent or tour operator that they have a licence. Alternatively they can contact the Commission for Aviation Regulation directly.

The Commission said its warning is particularly relevant to people travelling abroad to attend sports or music events and on religious pilgrimages as it is in these sectors that unlicensed operators are most commonly active.