US request for return of Irish priest denied

A request from the Apostolic Administrator of Phoenix diocese in the US, Archbishop Michael Sheehan, that an Irish priest return…

A request from the Apostolic Administrator of Phoenix diocese in the US, Archbishop Michael Sheehan, that an Irish priest return and face sex-abuse charges there has been refused.

The priest, Father Patrick Colleary, who was ordained in 1975, is believed to have been living in Sligo since January. He faces two charges of sexual conduct with a minor, and one of attempted sexual conduct with a minor.

The Maricopa County attorney's office has initiated extradition proceedings against Father Colleary. The county attorney, Mr Rick Romley, also sent a letter to the Vatican in July asking that the priest be instructed to return to the US. It was returned to him unopened.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times