US governor to resign over homosexual affair

New Jersey governor Mr James McGreevey has announced his resignation after admitting to having a homosexual affair.

New Jersey governor Mr James McGreevey has announced his resignation after admitting to having a homosexual affair.

Mr McGreevey, who is married with two children and earlier this year said he opposed gay marriage, told reporters he had a consensual affair with another man. He said he had been conflicted over his sexuality since adolescence.

Throughout my life, I have grappled with my own identity
New Jersey governor Mr James McGreevey

"Throughout my life, I have grappled with my own identity," Mr McGreevey told a news conference, making reference to his Catholic upbringing.

The Democrat spoke about the love of his first and second wives but said: "From my early days of school until the present day, I acknowledged some feeling, a certain sense that separated me from others.


"My truth is is that I am a gay American and I am blessed to live in the greatest nation with the greatest tradition of civil liberties in the world," he said.

"Shamefully, I indulged in an adult consensual affair with another man, which violates the bonds of matrimony. It was wrong, it was foolish and it was inexcusable. For this I ask for the forgiveness and grace of my wife," Mr McGreevey told a news conference.

He said his resignation is effective November 15th.

Mr McGreevey, 47, took office in January, 2002. His four-year term will be completed by Democrat Richard Codey, the current president of the state senate.