Treaty enshrines climate policy - Labour

The Lisbon Treaty gives a legal basis for combating climate change for the first time, Labour leader Eamon Gilmore said today…

The Lisbon Treaty gives a legal basis for combating climate change for the first time, Labour leader Eamon Gilmore said today.

He said the inclusion of the climate change issue in the EU Treaty is a clear indication of the commitment at EU level in taking on a leadership role in tackling climate change.

“The Charter of Fundamental Rights specifically states that a high level of environmental protection must be integrated into the policies of the Union, while the treaty makes a commitment to promoting measures at international level to deal with regional or worldwide environmental problems and, in particular, combating climate change," he said.

Mr Gilmore said: “The Lisbon Treaty provides a framework within which the Union can address the many pressing environmental issues that we face”.


“As well as the reference to combating climate change, a new title on energy is included which specifies the need for solidarity between member states in implementing policy in this area,” he added.