Travellers likely to face committal orders next week

Committal orders are expected to be served next week on members of 30 traveller families living on a site in Sandyford, Co Dublin…

Committal orders are expected to be served next week on members of 30 traveller families living on a site in Sandyford, Co Dublin.

The families, comprising between 100 and 150 people, are the subject of a committal order made in the High Court on Monday. The order was sought by Dwyer

Nolan Developments Ltd, the owners of the site on Blackglen Road.

The High Court heard the travellers had failed to comply with two previous court orders to move.


Earlier this month, the travellers were ordered to leave a site behind Lamb

Doyle's bar in Sandyford, Co Dublin. On the day the order was made, they moved to a nearby site on Blackglen Road, owned by Dwyer Nolan Developments Ltd, which is intended for housing.

According to solicitors for Dwyer Nolan, the committal orders to commit them to prison are likely to be served next week.

In February, following an appeal by locals, the Supreme Court set aside an order allowing Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown Co Council to provide a temporary halting site for travelling families at Blackglen Road. Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown Co

Council is now considering whether to return to the courts.

Ms Mary Ellen Connors, a member of the travelling community living on the site, said her family had been forced to move 10 times since the start of this year.

"We need a halting site, maybe two halting sites, here," said Ms Connors. "I

don't think the council has done enough for travellers. A site would give us proper facilities, toilets and running water, a skip to keep the place clean and dry footing under our feet."

Ms Connors said she presumed everyone would have to leave the site when gardai arrived.

Ms Rosemary Smith, a local resident, said locals had fought the issue "right through the courts" and its continuation was "totally scandalous". The families had "destroyed" the site and the view.

"If they want to live in this country and be treated the same they must live as we live. They must conform to our rules and regulations."