Three arrests over Cork farmer's death

Gardaí investigating the death of a 65-year-old farmer in Cork last week made three arrests in the county this morning.

Gardaí investigating the death of a 65-year-old farmer in Cork last week made three arrests in the county this morning.

Mr John Twomey, from the parish of Rylane/Aghabullogue near Coachford, died last Tuesday after he and his older brother, Patrick, were allegedly involved in a dispute over land with a third party.

The incident is alleged to have happened as the brothers were dredging a stream next to a field in Rylane.

Gardaí at Macroom investigating Mr Twomey's death arrested three men this morning. One of those arrested is aged 56 years of age and the others are both 23 years of age.


Gardaí said the arrests were in relation to a serious assault that occurred on the deceased and another man prior to his death.

The three are detained under section 4 of the Criminal Justice act and are being questioned at Bandon Garda Station.