Thousands expected at Dublin anti-war rally

The Irish Anti-War Movement is expecting upwards of 2000 people to join a march in Dublin against the US-led bombing of Afghanistan…

The Irish Anti-War Movement is expecting upwards of 2000 people to join a march in Dublin against the US-led bombing of Afghanistan later today.

Spokesman Mr Rory Hearne, said: "Hundreds of innocent civilians have been killed in the bombing raids on Afghanistan. Disgracefully the US-led campaign has bombed schools, hospitals, UN and Red Cross workers."

Many aid agencies are saying that unless the bombings are halted there will be a humanitarian disaster in which 3 million Afghan people could starve to death.

Mr Hearne criticised the role of the Government which he said had been cowardly in its refusal to use its position on the UN security council to oppose the war.


"They insulted the people of Ireland by betraying our neutrality. Brian Cowen stood up in the UN and made a speech supporting the war using the same provocative language as George Bush."

Mr Hearne criticised media coverage of protests around the world claiming some 250,000 people marched in Italy, 50,000 in London, 70,000 in India, 25,000 in Washington 25,000 in Berlin and 15,000 in Vancouver since the bombings began.

He also challenged Washington’s line on the war saying it had as much to do with the US maintaining influence in the oil-rich region for its own strategic advantage as it did with fighting terrorism.

The march will assemble at the Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Square at 3 p.m. and proceed through the city centre.

Speakers at the demonstration will include, Mr Michael D Higgins TD, Mr John Gormley TD, Mr Joe Higgins TD, Mr Kieran Allen (Editor Socialist Worker), and others.