The floors are littered with holy books covered in blood

The floors are littered with holy books covered in blood. - Rescue worker Yehuda Meshi Zahav describes the Jerusalem seminary where a suspected Palestinian gunman shot dead eight students.

That may be where this is headed, but of course we have to decide who is on the top of the ticket. - Hillary Clinton is asked if there is any possibility of her running on the same ticket as Barack Obama.

China pursues a national defence policy that is defensive in nature. - Jiang Enzhu, a spokesman for the government of China, which has unveiled an 18 per cent rise in military spending.

If Padre Pio allows me, I might say he looks as though he just had a manicure. - Italian archbishop Domenico D'Ambrosio following the exhumation of Padre Pio. Forty years after the saint's death, his remains are to be put on display.


He is chemically conditioned to obey Mr Putin. - Andrei Piontkovsky, a Russian political commentator, on Dmitry Medvedev, who has been elected Russia's next president.

For the time being, the negotiations are suspended because we have so many funerals. - Saeb Erekat, a Palestinian negotiator, as peace talks with Israel are postponed amid spiralling violence.

Since that day, Tuesday, February 28th, 2006, our lives have been utterly destroyed by this brutal and pointless act of savagery, from which they can not, nor ever will, be the same. - Aisling McLaughlin, sister of Siobhán Kearney whose husband, Brian, was convicted this week of her murder.

It was the right thing to do. - DUP leader Ian Paisley on his decision to share power with Sinn Féin. He is to step down as First Minister and party leader.

He is a fascinating figure, with many facets to his character. In my dealings with him I have always found him cordial, good-humoured and respectful. - Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams's assessment of Paisley.