This is the story so far...

The medieval mystery plays, written over 500 years ago, tell the story of the world from creation to doomsday

The medieval mystery plays, written over 500 years ago, tell the story of the world from creation to doomsday. After Greek drama, they are the beginnings of modern theatre as we know it. Bible readers will know that this does not imply a heavy solemnity; more like heavy breathing.

Michael Scott, director of The Machine company, has conscripted a plethora of Irish playwrights and a multi-cultural ensemble of actors to present his view of the matter. He promises a carnival mood in a provocative and sensational evening of interactive theatre, including live musicians and dancers. The recently revived SFX City Theatre, where Mysteries 2000 will open next Wednesday, is in itself a tribute to Mr Scott's energy and dynamism. His new production may well prove to be another.

Kevin Courtney

Kevin Courtney

Kevin Courtney is an Irish Times journalist