The World in Words

He's looking a little bit white. Well, he is white. Pale, let's say he's pale.

He's looking a little bit white. Well, he is white. Pale, let's say he's pale.

- Boxing commentator Harry Carpenter, as South African Francois Botha made his way to the ring to face Mike Tyson

I am going right at him and I expect him to go down cold. I expect him to die.

- Boxer Mike Tyson of Botha


Push Posh.

- Sun headline on the birth of a baby boy to Posh Spice

I'm worried about that young man, he's getting awfully bossy.

- Lady Thatcher of Tony Blair

I know I am guilty in law and morally . . . I'm prepared for physical misery. After all, I did go to Eton.

- Jonathan Aitken, on the prospect of prison after admitting perjury and perverting justice

Yeltsin did not make it to the grave but was very close to it.

- Russian paper Moskovski Komsomolets on an ill and disoriented President Yeltsin in Jordan for King Hussein's funeral

I'm a drug addict, not a paedophile.

- Tara Palmer-Tomkinson of "rumours" she had slept with Prince William

Bill Clinton is a cold bastard who might have been killed if he had not been governor of Arkansas.

- Ms Juanita Broaddrick (56), who alleges the president raped her in 1978

Tell everyone it's not the first time I have died in Coventry.

- Folk musician Dave Swarbrick, former violinist with Fairport Convention, after the Daily Telegraph reported his death in the English midlands city

The British Labour Party is an organisation where your best friend will plunge a knife in your back and then call the police to tell them that you are carrying a concealed weapon.

- Tory Party leader, William Hague

The plane is going to Turkey. But don't tell the refugees. They might refuse to get on.

- Spokeswoman for Skopje International Airport on the Kosovan refugees

Luckily for men, female taste is all over the place. One woman's "Wow!" is another woman's "Yuk!"

- Author Fay Weldon

Are you suggesting that I should swim back?

- Minister in the British Lord Chancellor's Office, Mr Geoff Hoon, defending his Concorde flight to the US

Did I ever get my kit off? What does that mean?

- British film star Jacqueline Bisset

My God, what a woman. If only she were 40 years younger . . . Does she have a daughter?

- Yuri Dorofev, member of the Thatcherite Party of Russia

I call him Robin the Greater. He's 60 but looks 50. He has the most beautiful body I've ever been to bed with. He's quite a contrast with my ex.

- Ms Margaret Cook, former wife of British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, of her boyfriend Robin Howie