The amendment: agreed between the Government and Fine Gael

An amendment agreed between the Government and Fine Gael reads as follows:

An amendment agreed between the Government and Fine Gael reads as follows:

"That Dáil Éireann recognises the primacy of the Good Friday Agreement and the importance of both Governments continuing to protect and develop its achievements;

welcomes the progress made to date towards the full implementation of a broad range of commitments made in the Good Friday Agreement; welcomes the continuation of cross-party support in the House for the peace process;

reaffirms its view that this agreement must form the basis of a lasting settlement in Northern Ireland;


welcomes the progress represented by the proposals of the British and Irish Governments, published in December 2004, towards achieving a complete resolution of the key issues identified by the Taoiseach and Prime Minister Blair at Lancaster House in June 2004;

regrets that there was no agreement at that time in relation to two key issues, namely an end to all forms of paramilitary and criminal activity and decommissioning;

notes that all parties to the agreement undertook to pursue their political objectives by exclusively peaceful and democratic means, and that the agreement envisaged full decommissioning of all paramilitary arms within two years;

notes the damage which has been done to the peace process by ongoing criminality including the recent robbery of the Northern Bank in Belfast and the assessment of the Irish and British authorities that the Provisional IRA was responsible for these crimes;

notes that a report by the International Monitoring Commission regarding ongoing paramilitary and criminal activity will shortly be published;

emphasises that there can be no room in a genuine peace process after 10 years of engagement for threats of whatever kind; rejects recent comments by Sinn Féin spokespersons as to what constitutes criminality;

underlines the need for a responsible and calm debate of the current difficulties in the peace process;

notes the clearly expressed views of the Irish people that all paramilitary activity and criminality be permanently brought to an end; believes that with a resolution of current difficulties the restoration of the devolved institutions and the full implementation of the Good Friday Agreement is achievable;

welcomes the continuing and valued support of the President of the United States; notes the determination of the two governments to maintain dialogue with all the Northern Ireland political parties; welcomes the Taoiseach's recent statement that the question regarding the early release of the murderers of Detective Garda Jerry McCabe was no longer on the table; and expresses its full support for the ongoing efforts of the two governments to bring to completion full implementation of the Good Friday Agreement."

An amendment tabled by Mr Joe Higgins (Socialist Party, Dublin West) calls for an end to all activity by all paramilitaries, loyalist and republican, and the building of a "mass political party capable of uniting the working class in the struggle for a socialist solution".