Technological age stays Government’s vision

Despite the sector’s downturn and the economic slowdown, today’s Budget has shown the Government remains committed to developing…

Despite the sector’s downturn and the economic slowdown, today’s Budget has shown the Government remains committed to developing broadband infrastructure and promoting the use of new technology among community groups.

The Budget has provided €22 million (£17 million) of extra money for rolling-out broadband technology in regional areas and to extend the Community Application of Information Technology (CAIT) initiative.

The broadband funding allocated in the Budget adds €19 million to the €25 million outlined in the Estimates published last month.

The Government claimed this will increase private investment in regional broadband projects. It will also assist in providing the new "Atlantic Corridor network" to ensure cheaper international links along the Western coast from Donegal to Cork.


Meanwhile an extra 50 to 60 community projects should benefit from the €3.5 million for the CAIT programme, the Government said. The funding is on top of the €3 million assigned for 71 CAIT projects across the State.

The groups that come under the programme include travellers, unemployed, women’s groups, the disabled, the elderly, youth groups and community projects. The money will go towards training and equipment.