Tara Mines workers meet in Navan tonight to decide whether to refer their dispute over mass lay-offs to the Labour Court. SIPTU regional secretary Mr Mike Jennings said yesterday the union would be recommending a referral to the court only if adequate progress was made in talks beforehand.
The key issue is likely to be staffing levels for care and maintenance during the mine's closure. Originally, the company indicated management would carry out all the work but now accepts that some of the workforce will have to be retained.
While workers accept the collapse of zinc prices is the primary reason for current problems, there is suspicion of the motives of the mine's Finnish owners who announced plans to withdraw from mining activities worldwide.
"The company is giving the impression that what is happening at Tara is entirely governed by zinc prices and market forces," Mr Jennings said. "Everybody knows the price of zinc is at a low ebb but we still feel the company did not have to throw their workforce on the dole in the run-up to Christmas."
While progress was made in talks yesterday, it remained unclear if the union could recommend referral to the court. The workers meet in Navan today. If they decide to refer the case to the Labour Court, it is expected to hear the case within a matter of days.