SERIOUS consideration might have to be given to the abolition of the Seanad, the report suggests. No change in the constitutional arrangements governing relations between the President, the Dail and Seanad, or between legislature and government, is recommended by the review group.
However, it recommends a separate, comprehensive and independent examination of all issues relating to the Seanad.
"If such a review does riot resolve the issue of representation and other substantive issues in a satisfactory manner, serious consideration will need to be given to the abolition of the Seanad and the transfer of its role and functions to other parts of the political system."
The review group could not address in a satisfactory manner the issues needing to be reviewed, given the time available. However, it says the Seanad "does not appear to satisfy the criteria for a relevant, effective and representative second house".
The report contains a detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the various electoral systems and recommends that any consideration of changing the electoral system should be guided by two principles.
These are that the present proportional representation single transferable vote system has had popular support and should not be changed without careful advance assessment of the possible effects and that if there is to be change, the introduction of a PR list or additional member system (used in Germany and Italy), would satisfy more of the relevant criteria (considered by the review group) than a move to a non-PR system.
If the introduction of a common European method for election to the European Parliament is proceeding, consideration might be given to using a change in the Irish electoral system for such elections, as a way of testing some of the effects of a PR list system in the Irish context.
On by elections, the review, group recommends that Article - 16.7 be changed, to provide for a limit on the time within which a by election should be held. The group recommends 90 days.
It also considers that it may be appropriate later to give constitutional status to the Constituency Commission as a permanent element in the electoral system.
It further recommends that consideration be given to amending Article 15.2.1., which governs the powers of the Oireachtas to authorise by law the delegation of power to either the Government or a Minister to legislate, using the mechanism of a statutory instrument, in relation to the substance of the parent legislation.