A charity walk aimed at raising over £200,000 to help maintain support services for sufferers of depression was launched today in Dublin by the support group Aware.
Tuscan Trail
is the sixth European walk organised by Aware which provides support services for the 300,000 Irish people who suffer from depression and the 10,000 people who attempt suicide each year.
The services include a new 24-hour Helpline (01 - 676 6166) and 60 Support Groups around the country.
Aware said it is in vital need of funds this year as its annual fundraising days Daisy Days,this year were reduced from three to two due to the National Day of Mourning. Around £50,000 is usually raised each Daisy Day.
Eurowalk next March will follow a route through Tuscany based on the walking district of Chianciano Terme.
The charity raised about £240,000 through last year's Eurowalk – the Hungarian Hike. For information call Aware on (01) 661 7211.