Summa Summarum

The leaves of the ilex by the graveyard

The leaves of the ilex by the graveyard

Whiseper prophetically.

And barley-corn ripens

Like those actors who


In the same role for a hundredth time

Stand forth before the audience.

Yet do not extol

To the skies your native land.

It ought to extol you.

Seen from this cloud

These meadows and fields Are a stamp album;

And to the ant a smoke ring

Twirling from your cigarette

Is a whole new landscape!

And stop threatening for once

To return next time

To this handful of land without history

Only in the shape of a rider in bronze.

And before you leave

Stroke the bark of these trees

Which all the while have given you

Free lessons in standing tall.

Translated from the Bosnian by Chris Agee