SF to debate a coalition at ardfheis

Two thousand Sinn FΘin delegates will debate calls to rule out entering into coalition after the general election at the party…

Two thousand Sinn FΘin delegates will debate calls to rule out entering into coalition after the general election at the party's two-day ardfheis this weekend.

However, the party's ard comhairle is attempting to keep some room for manoeuvre open by offering a guarantee that the party will not sign up for any coalition deal without the approval of a special delegate conference.

"Sometimes it is better to remain in opposition rather than in power," the Newry/Armagh cumann said.

Representatives from the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, the Basque separatist group, ETA, and the African National Congress will attend the ardfheis, which party chairman, Mr Mitchel McLaughlin, said was taking place "against a backdrop of a growing crisis in the peace process and the third suspension, in three years, of the political institutions".


The ardfheis will focus on "building political strength and the options facing us regarding participation in government" he said.

He also attacked last week's suspension of the Northern Assembly by Northern Ireland Secretary of State, Dr John Reid and criticised Mr Trimble's attempt to exclude Sinn FΘin from the Executive.

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times