Security grants will help elderly

SPECIAL grants are to be given to vulnerable elderly people until the end of October to help them make their homes secure if …

SPECIAL grants are to be given to vulnerable elderly people until the end of October to help them make their homes secure if they cannot afford the cost themselves.

Half price telephone installations are offered until the end of June to 22,000 people who are receiving an Old Age Pension from the Department of Social Welfare and who are living alone. Funding will be provided for small scale security measures such as window locks, door chains, door locks and security lighting. Alarm systems monitored by neighbourhood or community groups will also be covered.

Details of the schemes were announced by the Minister for Social Welfare, Mr Proinsias De Rossa.

The security grant will cover on average 50 per cent of the cost although some people will get 90 per cent. Those who qualify will be elderly people living alone or in households with other elderly people, or living with other people who are dependent and vulnerable.


Further information and application forms are available at all regional offices of the Department of Social Welfare.