On the radar

The pick of the science news

The pick of the science news

Popcorn a healthy option?

Snacking on popcorn may be healthier than previously thought – new research reveals it contains “surprisingly large” amounts of antioxidants.

In particular, popcorn and whole-grain breakfast cereals contain polyphenols, which are also found in many fruits and vegetables and are thought to protect health.


“We found that, in fact, whole grain products have comparable antioxidants per gram to fruits and vegetables,” says Joe Vinson, who headed the study, which was presented to the American Chemical Society this week.

Vinson told the society that this is the first study to examine total phenol antioxidants in breakfast cereals and snacks.

Protein shake

A protein component has been discovered in a comet for the first time. NASA's spacecraft Stardustcollected gas and dust samples from the comet Wild 2 in 2004 and analysis showed they contained the amino acid glycine, which is a building block of many proteins.

"We discovered that the Stardust-returned glycine has an extraterrestrial carbon isotope signature, indicating that it originated on the comet," says Jamie Elsila, lead author of the study, to be published in Meteoritics and Planetary Science. Our discovery supports the theory that some of life's ingredients formed in space and were delivered to Earth long ago by meteorite and comet impacts."


"The situation needs careful monitoring. Influenza has surprised us many times before."

- Vaccine expert Walter Fiers responding to New Scientistmagazine, which polled 60 experts about how they think swine flu will pan out over the coming months

By numbers


The percentage of US banknotes contaminated with cocaine, according to a study of 17 cities there


The distance, in kilometres, between a planned US navy submarine warfare training facility off Florida’s coast and the only known calving grounds of the endangered North Atlantic right whale.

Claire O’Connell

e-mail: 1000.claire@gmail.com