Riot after church attacked in Egypt

Clashes broke out between mourners and police in Egypt during a funeral procession today for the seven people killed in an attack…

Clashes broke out between mourners and police in Egypt during a funeral procession today for the seven people killed in an attack on churchgoers leaving a midnight Mass for Coptic Christians last night.

The protesters pelted cars with stones. Earlier, they smashed ambulances at the hospital in frustration over delays in turning over the bodies for burial. A security official says police fired tear gas to disperse the crowd.

The riots follow an attack in which three gunmen in a car sprayed automatic gunfire into a crowd leaving a church in the town of Nag Hamadi, about 40 miles from the ancient ruins of Luxor. The lead attacker was identified as a Muslim.

Christians, mostly Coptics, account for about 10 per cent of Egypt's predominantly Muslim population. They generally live in peace with the Muslim majority although clashes and tensions in the south do occur, mostly over land or church construction disputes. In recent years, the clashes have begun seeping into the capital.

Egypt's Interior Ministry said the attack was suspected as retaliation for the November rape of a Muslim girl by a Christian man in the same town.

Security was tight in the town as police deployed in search for the suspects. The release of bodies may have been delayed because of fear the funerals would turn into a flashpoint for more violence.

The funeral procession took place later and was attended by local officials. Security officials said some 5,000 protesters shouted: "Long live the Cross," and "No to persecution." The protesters also stoned police cars, and scuffled with security. Shops closed their doors in the town to avoid the violence.

The Bishop of the Nag Hamadi Diocese said the dead were mostly young male teens.

As Islamic conservatism gains ground, Christians have increasingly complained about discrimination by the Muslim majority.

Coptic Christians are limited in where they can build churches and must obtain government approval before expanding existing facilities. The government insists Christians enjoy the same rights as Muslims.

Vendetta killing is also common among southern Egyptians, and is usually over land or family disputes.

The head of provincial security, Mahmoud Gohar, told reporters that security agents have identified the lead attacker, an alleged known criminal, and his location has been determined. No arrests have been made yet.

Mr Gohar said security was beefed up in the town and neighboring villages, and checkpoints were erected in the area as tensions ran high among the town's Christian population. He said an angry crowd from a nearby church smashed two police cars shortly after the attack.

Mr Gohar said the attack happened in the main street about 200 meters from the church. He said nine people were injured in the attack, including three who were in critical condition.

Bishop Kirollos of the Nag Hamadi Diocese said six male churchgoers and one security guard were killed. He said he had left St. John's church just minutes before the attack and headed to his residence 600 yards away. He said he saw five bodies lying on the ground from his vantage point.

"I heard the mayhem, lots of machine gun shots," he said in a telephone interview.

The bishop said he was concerned about violence on the eve of Coptic Christmas, which falls Thursday, because of previous threats following the rape of the 12-year-old girl in November.

He got a message on his mobile phone saying: "It is your turn."

"My faithful were also receiving threats in the streets, some shouting at them: 'We will not let you have festivities,'" he said.

Because of the threats, he said he ended his Christmas Mass one hour early.

He said Muslim residents of Nag Hamadi and neighboring villages rioted for five days in November and torched and damaged Christian properties in the area after the rape.

"For days, I had expected something to happen on Christmas Day," he said. The bishop said police have asked him to stay at home for fear of further violence.

Qena is one of Egypt's poorest and most conservative areas.

An Amnesty International report said sectarian attacks on the Coptic Christian community, comprising between 6 million and 8 million people in Egypt, increased in the year 2008.

The bishop said the attack could have been driven by vengeance. Yet, highlighting his fear for the Christian minority, Kirollos said the attack was carried out by "Muslim radicals."

"Suppose it is vengeance, where was the security?," he said. "We are facing a religious war and lax security."