Retired teacher denies sex charges

A retired school teacher from the Waterside area of Derry appeared in court in Derry yesterday, charged with raping and indecently…

A retired school teacher from the Waterside area of Derry appeared in court in Derry yesterday, charged with raping and indecently assaulting a number of girls aged between 13 and 15.

Mr Anthony Crowe (52), of Millbrook Park, Altnagelvin, faces a total of 11 charges, three of rape and eight of indecent assault.

Several of the offences are alleged to have taken place at a secondary school in Derry.

The offences are alleged to have occurred in Derry and Limavady between September 1991 and November 1997.


A detective sergeant told the court that when charged, the defendant replied "not guilty" and strenuously denied the charges.

A bail application was opposed by the DPP because of the seriousness of the charges and possible witness interference. The defendant was remanded in custody until March 23rd. Reporting restrictions were neither applied for nor imposed.