March 8th, 2010
Dear Taoiseach,
As you are aware from our discussions in January, I have been suffering for some months now with a serious illness.
During this period I have carried out, as agreed with you, my ministerial duties in full and both your personal support and that of our colleagues in Government has been a great help.
I have always been a fighter and optimistic in both my personal and political life, however my consultant’s advice is that my condition is deteriorating further and options for treatment and recovery are narrowing.
I am very proud to have represented the interests of the people of Waterford City and County and to have served in successive Fianna Fáil led Governments across Finance (OPW); Environment, Heritage and Local Government; Transport, Social and Family Affairs and your appointment of me to Arts, Sport and Tourism.
As a result of my current medical condition and taking advice from my medical consultants it is with regret that I must now retire from public life.
In consequence of this, I wish to advise you, pursuant to Article 28 (9) (2) of the Constitution of my intention to resign from office as a member of the Government. I request that this be effective by your recommending its acceptance by the President on a date of your choosing in the context of other matters relating to the Government which are under consideration by you,
Yours sincerely,
Martin Cullen TD