Railway station to become bar

Dublin's old Harcourt Road Railway Station premises, closed in 1958, is to be a bar restaurant

Dublin's old Harcourt Road Railway Station premises, closed in 1958, is to be a bar restaurant. The listed building has been used as a business office complex in recent years.

Mr Tom Morgan, counsel for the new owner, Mr Paul Keaveney, told Judge Pat

McCartan in the Circuit Licensing Court yesterday his client's plans included the total reinstatement of the old vaulted interior.

Mr Keaveney is head of Kivaway Ltd, which bought the premises from Monarch


Properties Ltd. Mr Keaveney is the former owner of The Purty Kitchen and current owner of McDaid's in Harry Street, just off Dublin's Grafton Street.

Mr Morgan said his client had acquired the license of the former Gleeson's

Pub which had been demolished in Harcourt Road and planned a modern bar restaurant for what used to be Dublin's fourth railway station.