Pressure builds on Comiskey over sex abuse scandal

The pressure on Bishop of Ferns Brendan Comiskey over his handling of sexual abuse claims against the late Fr Sean Fortune increased…

The pressure on Bishop of Ferns Brendan Comiskey over his handling of sexual abuse claims against the late Fr Sean Fortune increased today with an opinion poll showing people in Wexford town believe he should resign and local representatives calling for a public inquiry into the matter.

A survey in today's Wexford Echonewspaper shows 62 per cent of respondents believe the Bishop should resign with 77 per cent indicating they have no confidence in the Bishop.

The poll, conducted by a professional market researcher for the paper, questioned 150 people in Wexford town last weekend.

Meanwhile, the Labour Party Justice spokesman and Wexford TD, Mr Brendan Howlin has called for an independent inquiry into the handling of the affair. Local MEP, Fine Gael’s Ms Avril Doyle echoed Mr Howlin’s call but said that Bishop Comiskey’s resignation would be premature.


"Let’s have the investigation, get the facts from a full inquiry," Ms Doyle said. She said, however, that the legal action being taken against the Church by six of Fr Fortune’s victims should not stop the Catholic Church from going on the record. She said those abused by Fr Fortune and the people of Wexford in general needed closure on the matter.

The controversy over Bishop Comiskey's handling of the affair was revived after the BBC documentary Suing the Popewas aired last week, in which reporter Sarah McDonald unsuccessfully tried to interview Bishop Comiskey over allegations contained in the programme.

Speaking to ireland.comtoday, Ms McDonald said a public inquiry would be a "fantastic idea". She said she was "appalled at the response" she got from the Church in relation to her queries. She said a letter complaining about her was sent to Wexford gardai as a result of inquiries she was making.

"It’s about time the country woke up to what happened to probably hundreds of young boys," she said.

Fr Fortune committed suicide in 1999 while facing 66 criminal charges of sexual abuse involving eight boys. Suing the Popealso linked the priest to the suicide of four young men in the Co Wexford village of Fethard-on-Sea.