THE outgoing Moderator of the Presbyterian Church, Dr John Ross, will make an appeal for a total IRA ceasefire when he addresses the opening session of the church's General Assembly in Belfast tonight.
In comments concluding his year of office, Dr Ross has emphasised the need for trust and acceptance of diversity.
He said, in a statement circulated yesterday, that an overriding theme of his year in office had been that trust must grow if there is to be progress towards meaningful and lasting peace.
He believed that much had been achieved to overcome traditional divisions, despite the setback of a return to violence. People had continued to speak loudly and constantly of their desire for peace.
The forthcoming talks would be impoverished by those parties which excluded themselves for whatever reason, he continued. Terrorism, or the threat of it, have no place in democracy. It cannot be rewarded, and no support should be given to it.
"I would appeal to the IRA to listen to the heart cry of Irish people, and to make a public announcement of a total and permanent cessation of violence, just as I would also condemn the continued carrying out of so called punishment beatings."
He said the opportunity presented itself to leave aside the culture of division and hatred, and to move into a new type of society, where diversity was accepted and celebrated to the benefit of everyone.
Dr Ross's successor as Moderator, Dr Harry Allen, will be installed tonight. The General Assembly will continue all week, with discussion on a large range of resolutions, including the challenges posed by a changing society and interchurch relations.
On Friday, the business board of the church deferred a decision on a controversial proposal to invite Catholic Church leaders to attend the opening service of the Assembly.
The issue will not be openly debated at the full Assembly, but will become a matter of consultation with other church boards.